Tuesday, August 28, 2012

chocolate cupcake

 Superman always hungry never be full
they looked so damn cute when they are hungry
>>> both of them <<<
NomNomNomNomNomNomNom ~

Monday, August 27, 2012

today go library with tricia
i borrow a book
very thick
when i read de second page and third
i stop reading
i dunwan read liaw
i think the english lvl is too high 4 me
alot words does not understand

Sunday, August 26, 2012

comic fiesta last day at sunway .
 goodbye my comic fiesta
we will meet again someday

Saturday, August 25, 2012

what a messy day ☀

yesterday evening ,
my mom send me to cloth's shop
to find a blank plain t-shirt .
and we found it !
but expansive - -
then today morning wake up
shit man !
it was 11:30
i'm late for my drawing class .
then my mom fast fast drove me to hv our lunch
then terus to my drawing class .
then 5:00pm my dad come and fetch me
when i return to my house
my mom say
" let's make chocolet cake 4 jean today ! "
" but mom ~ i tot tomorow ? i'm tired . "
" i tot u said tomorow u all 9:00 am need to go lerr ? where gt time 4 u to do ? "
" ...  fine -3- "
then we do do do do do do ~~~  xDD
about 6:00pm+++
done done done ~ ♪
suddenly my mom say
" did u finish ur present ? later we go dinner we can terus gv jean . "
OH SHITTA !!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
then i fast fast when back to my room
and start to draw ..
after 15minutes ++
finally DONE . B))
then my mom called 
" leona , we r going now ! " 
acctually i have to iron the shirt to make sure the ink won't drop but no time - -
sry jean TT-TT
u hv to iron it ur self  > <
what a messy day ~
anyway ,
happy birthday

Thursday, August 23, 2012

GEEZ ...

sometimes i try to ask my dad
" daddy , can i paktor ? "
but everytime before i try to ask ,
my dad always say 
" xi yi , don't so fast paktor . okay ? " 
i never success to ask before .
damn - -
looks like my dad know what i want to say ..

today at shan shan house x))

 our breakfast
tuna bread
 me + shan shan
 about 3pm++ juju come liaw
our big foot
me + shan shan + juju
after watching 貞子 ,
we watch other scary movie again
我破紀錄 liaw
在我人生中看了 4 套鬼戲
wo bian le hao yong gan ~ <3

Tuesday, August 21, 2012

畫的時候很爽 xDD

上了顏色就開始 sien 料。
要用很多 ink TT-TT

在上白色... 死咯...
很 yong sui ><

最後變到將 ...

Saturday, August 18, 2012

today x))

發現有人盯著我畫畫。 Σ (  ̄□ ̄ )
一轉頭時... 發現一個差不多
幼稚園的小弟弟坐在我旁邊 ...
>▂< 好萌 !!! <3
他看著我,我看著他 ...
他對我笑了... ... ... ... ...
╯▂╰ ... ...

Thursday, August 9, 2012

today maths exam
tak ada mood do
alot empty
dun feel like doing it
so i simply do then
fuck off liaw
sien diao liao
but some i forgot the formula
so also din't do

Tuesday, August 7, 2012

. after school .
sunny day <3
waiting mom .
she's going to send me to shan shan house 4 pizza xDD

Shan Shan's house today :))

today after school
i go shan shan house 4 pizza <3
she have order wat we want .
and then after 15minute the ppl call back to shan shan
then shan shan say " ok ok ok "
then i ask her "wat's wrong ?"
then she say"dunno . i don't understand wat she say."
LOL -3-
then i tot is nothing .
when the meal have reach shan shan's house then we know wat happen .
she make a big mistake .
i think is not free to write here
later she punch me -3-
after eating xDD
we go shan shan's room .
acctually we want to watch movie de but
so we chat chat chat
sing sing sing
chat chat chat
sing sing sing
the fellow is choosing the song she likes -3-
sei yam po

Saturday, August 4, 2012

saturday‘s night :)) MAX ~~~

haha !! he blinked !! <3
( because of my flashlight xDD )

Oops ~
i sat on a swing i almost kick him xDD


max what are you looking at ?? :O

crazy man -3-
greez ... clam down O.O"
my dad :DD <3
oh-uh ~ sorry for the flashlight :X
my mommy x33 <3
sniff sniff '''''''
i smell something ~ xDD
dad:"max , hand !"
max u are such a good boy ~ xDD
i mean a good "uncle" <3
sit !!

Thursday, August 2, 2012

today xDD

draw by zhan jiun
background by jeeeeeeean
xDD i laugh like hell !!!
then they write leong hui's name on it .

yesterday . during the drawing class .

draw by
me + ah ming
stupid face xDD
draw by
me + zhan jiun
xDD the blue hair is 黑子 <3